bad misfire and ignition problem.

Hello everyone. I recently drove my 73 dart sport down to get alligned. It has a 71 360 engine with electronic ignition. While in the shop I had them look at vacuum lines and the brakes as well as tune the carb. I recently installed push button start to bypass the key. It worked flawlessly with no misfires at all. And the alternater was charging and I measured about 13.5 volts at the battery. When i got to the shop it was still working fine and sounded great. It was there a few days and they couldnt seem to align it perfectly(different issue). Come today, the guy said he measured 18 volts at the battery when running. He pulled the car around and it sounded like crap..

we had scheduled to get new tires on in the parking lot next door, so we drove it there and tried to figure out the problem. We went and bought a new coil, ignition box, and a new voltage regulator. this helped slightly. We also chcked timing, plug wires and the whole 9 yards and still no luck. However, we did find that the jumper that connects to the distributor had been resting on the header and burnt the wires pretty bad. We replaced this jumper but had no luck. Is is possible that when these wires shorted out, that the distributor and or other parts could have gotten messed up? We have a new distributor getting here on monday luckily.

The engine seems to run slightly better when very advanced, and we have the carb tuned well enough to know that the misfire isnt just a bad air/fuel mixture.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Let me know if the video links work.

Video of car running


Being this happened under someone else’s supervision the very first thing I would do is verify the plug wires firing order.
(Just in case no one mentioned it yet)