Where did this term "chunk" come from?

I will have to say I am guilty of this.Way back in younger days.
Home was Pa.School was Denver Colorado. Would swap in 2.94 for the 1600 mile drive.
Swap in 3.91 once at my destination.On the ground. 4 times a year during school breaks.
Being 17-18 never thought twice about it. 70 340 4 speed Duster. Do the tall tire thing too.
Yep,did that too, many many years ago. Changed from blown out glass packs and a 4.56 posi, to 3.08s and (genuine corvair) turbo mufflers, on my 57 Chevy (corvette fuel injection on a 360horse 350) and back again. Exhaust and center section in under an hour. The gear change difference was startling. Either direction.
It takes me that long to get the car in the air, nowadays!