1972 Dodge Colt

Just a FYI incase you are not aware. That is usually caused by the cam bolt loosening. The correct cupped cam washer is critical, and blue locktite should be used on the bolt.
Also if using a offset cam bushing, make sure the cam washer goes over at least part of the bushing (or stake the bushing into the sprocket) so the bushing can't fall out.

You caught me Charrile, I didn't find any locktite on the bolt.
I think/pretty sure I forgot to do that.
At the track I was feeling a tick with my hand on the valve cover.
I took the cover off but didn't find anything.
It was that bolt loose, dowel slop, tapping thru the valve chain.
I had the pill covered with a washer, but that wasn't the issue.
Going back with the multiple keyway roller chain now.