Stop in for a cup of coffee

Do you all mind if I vent a little bit?. Been working through all this driver's license stuff with my wife which has been a huge PIA. On top of that I need to get her some medical insurance. I know that I must have it done by today in order to have her insured by February 1. For the last 3 days I have been trying to do it online. There on line system is ****.... Apparently stopped me several times and created several new accounts along the way. In three days I have been on the phone for over 2 hours each time trying to straighten this out. Today I finally got with somebody and got everything straight. Now I just need to choose a provider for her. I will show her the providers and go over it with her. That will be another fiasco. Just want to drink.

:BangHead: :BangHead::BangHead:
I hear ya Mitch sounds like a PITA and on days like that I poor me a double.