I get the feeling this will get messy. But thanks for writing up an overview of your car and what you’ve done (very nice work) with both styles of front suspension. To say one is better than the other is ridiculous because there are so many variables to consider, and most of those are subjective. It would be interesting to hear lap times from your car with you driving, on the same track, with both styles of front end and compare the data. Any chance you’ve done that?
I know it will and I'm prepared to have a civilized conversation with anyone about it. I'm not going to engage with stupidity. I have over 1000 miles on the HDK now along with nearly 50 autocross runs. I feel like I can answer any questions someone may have and if I can't, I'm not going to make something up to fit the agenda.
The variables are infinite especially if you factor driver skill and style into the equation. Don't forget that many of the opinions come from people without real data to back up their claims.
Unfortunately I don't have back to back data on the same course. Autocross courses change every month. That's one of the challenges that come with it. The only way I can judge it to compare my times to the regulars that have been doing it forever. This past weekend I finally beat a veteran driver (40+ years) in a 99 Mustang with an IRS rear setup. I've come super close to him, but never beat him. Sunday I put nearly a 1/2 second on him. At least 5 people came up to me after my first run with unsolicited comments on how much better it looks. They didn't know what I did, but they saw it.
Moparty typically has a very similar course every year. There's also many of the same guys every year. That should be a good comparison.