Anyone use these electric fans?

Excellent point. I actually worded that poorly. Thanks for pointing that out. Here is what really happened. About 20 years ago I needed a new radiator. After a lot of research, I went with a Griffin Radiator. The salesman talked me into their custom built fan/shroud setup also. It was rather expensive. He said it was good up to 600 HP. The radiator if GREAT, but the electric fan setup just did not work.

I’m not sure which Griffin fan set up you had, but their “exact fit” electric fan combination only flows ~1730 CFM. Those are their numbers. It’s no where near enough CFM to be a standalone electric fan on a street driven A-body with decent horsepower.

An electric fan is just one part of the cooling system, and just because parts are expensive doesn’t mean they’re a good fit for every application. There’s no way I’d bother with trying to use an electric fan that flows less than 2,500 CFM for the way I use my car. Maybe in a colder climate, or for a car that never sees traffic etc it might be ok, but it certainly wouldn’t hold up to getting stuck in traffic in 100°+ weather. My cheap reproduction Contour fans managed that easily. But they flow 3k CFM on the low speed, and close to 5k CFM on the high speed.