Upgrade for '70 Swinger 340 rear

not sure I want to go that high, looks like the top of the tire is at least a couple inches below the top of the opening. this is how my car sat before tearing it apart. front height was set at it's last alignment 32 years ago because the drivers side adjuster was frozen, originally sat slightly nose down when the 5 leaf springs were new, now it's a little nose up. I plan on setting the front height similarly, maybe 1/2-1" lower than this at most. would like a little bit of rake, maybe an inch to inch and a half. the .092" t-bars up the wheel rate from 85 lb/in to about 130-140, from what I've seen the 5 leafs are about the same 85-90 lb/in and the 6 leaf are more like 130-135.
