Is overspray on cylinder head ok?

What's life without risk? If this is a craigslist/Facebook engine that didn't cost a lot... if I'm staring down tearing an engine down either way.... 16 go, 17 stay...

Now, if OP has 10 grand into this, then absolutely, rip it apart. We all can agree this isn't good or the right way to do something. A grand? Send it and risk it and if it goes it had to be torn down and redone anyways. 20 minutes of run time to find out isn't going to grenade the thing.
I'm just thinking from a viewpoint of how much work it is is to fully assemble the engine, put on new filters, fill with expensive break-in oil, juggle the engine into the engine compartment, struggle with putting the exhaust system and cooling system together with fresh coolant etc.. just to have an issue that could have been found and rectified very easily with the engine on a stand, especially with clear evidence that proper assembly protocols were not followed from the start.