Classic Mopar Use ????

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, I had to go outside and drag my granddaughter into the house- that sled she was riding in the snow was a complete deathtrap; too many trees outdoors. Now she's safely locked in the closet. What was your question?
I remember a time not long ago I was watching the news and they were interviewing an older lady who was going of on the fact that she couldn’t believe that there were any vehicles made in this world that didn’t require having to put on the brake to shift into gear. She was appalled, because some kid bumped a minivan into gear and it hit something. I’m looking at her and she’s about 50, and I’m thinking “are you that stupid or brain dead that you can’t remember 20 years ago when that wasn’t even a thing? And are you that stupid that you actually need that feature to survive in this world?” The dumbing down of humanity is more of a detriment than the safety features invoked to save their dumb asses!