The GenIII SBC, aka "LS" for the RPO code, that replaced the Vortec era debuted in '97 'vettes '98 in 'maros & 'birds, not sure if a WS6 package was an exception. The GenV's & up are referred to as "LT"'s, cornfusing things with the older LT's...fwiw...
either way, the best of the Vortecs weren't slouches by any means either..
There was of course firehawks and a very little known firebird called a blackbird.. Between the LT1 and the LS1 There was about a 45 horsepower difference from about 275 to about 320.
I think the later generation was like an L T3 or an LT4 or 5. I'm not sure...
The funny thing is all the modern muscle cars. Challengers and chargers absolutely never under any circumstances try me when I have my duster on the street. But every last one of them want to challenge my trans am...
I could take eight or ten hours and bolt on a pro charger, then give them one hell of the run for their money.... The factory LT1 would have no problem handling the extra 130 horsepower...