Bad Pull to The Right

Before you do anything;
I used to be an alignment tech in a tire shop.
I have seen tires create their own pull, with no visible reason for it.
I know it's a longshot, but Swap the frontwheels, side for side, and see if the pull follows the wheels. While the wheels are off, check to see that they are the same width and both have the same backspace.
I don't think this is your problem, but I learned early on to always check.
What I do think,
is that you have a Caster/Camber mismatch, side for side, and the brake test sorta points to it. If you have recently installed new Moog UCA bolts, I can practically guarantee the UCA adjustment has slipped.
>>There was a time, 20 or so years ago, that those bolts were not made right, in as much as; there was not enough threading on them, and when I thought the nuts were torqued right, the nuts were simply bottomed on the threads, with very little actual clamping force being transmitted to the chassis. The cure was to install hardened washers to put the nuts back into a good working range. I installed two per bolt, one on each end, and problem solved.
I have no idea if Moog ever corrected that.
Loose and/or worn normal-wear parts do not cause a pull by themselves. They might, I say might, allow an already existing pull to be exacerbated.
In my experience, a straight ahead pull not caused by brakes, tires, or a heavily crowned road, was always a Caster/Camber, side to side, mismatch.
In fact,
>One time; on a certain K-car, I remember doing two alignments before I figured out that the driver was over 400 pounds, and his wife about half that; and the pull was worse when the wife was not in the car, which facts were never revealed to me from the front desk. After I discovered that, we installed the heaviest duty strut springs available, all 'round, and the final alignment was done with over 200 pounds of ballast on the driver's seat. The customer was very pleased, and I never saw the car again.
There were many times that I had to dial in an intentional caster-pull to compensate for things like that, including a certain heavily-crowned, local hiway.
>One time, after having redone an alignment twice, and the car burned off a set of tires in short order each time, I found out he was an Motorhome delivery guy, and was flat-towing his car behind it, for thousands of miles per week. I redid the alignment to spec and told him to get a dolly and get those front tires off the road,dammit. Guy comes back several weeks later, towing his fold-up custom dolly, with a happy ending.
>One time; well you get the idea................