Maybe you should have just asked the simple question in this context like "how is this "whatever" relevant?" before you start you start making declarations.

You are the self-appointed decider what this thread is about now?

You obviously missed the point, again, Stay on the side limes, please. The inward pull in my test is primarily resisted by the K member that the shock/coil over towers connect to. It was mentioned that the towers have seen failures, and that is still news to me

72Blu: "This is uncalled for. This is Tim's thread, and while I would like to see additional geometry measurements comments like these just serve to derail the thread from any objective findings. Tim knows more than enough to not "stay on the side lines", he's already done more to measure and post geometry comparisons for the HDK or any coil over conversion that I've seen."

So according to you, it promotes a discussion when an OP states categorically another's comment is "irrelevant" and offers no foundation whatsoever, and can't be bothered to even ask why it might be considered "irrelevant" because their understanding of the matter at hand might be limited, and that doesn't serve to derail a thread, have I got this right?

I'm just trying to wrap my head around how PC these threads need to be so as to protect any feathers from being ruffled, and taking figuratively baby steps in that regard.