Speedmaster Stainless Rocker Arm Issues

Mike is in the process of finalizing my 340/416 Stroker build- can’t wait, should have it back this week fingers crossed!

Regarding heads- I had originally gone with SM using the 1.6 Hughes rockers before I contact Mike to do the build. I had him do a correction kit, still had to grind the inside of the Hughes rockers to clear SM valve springs that came with them.

Since Mike had had the motor and soing
The build, had nothing but issues with the SM heads and luckily he had a set of Trickflow 190’s. It only needed a very rocker shaft small correction for the 1.6 Hughes rockers- running hyd roller cam custom ground based on his specs, can’t recall but def not more .530 I think.

I rambled here but my point is- I wish listened to all the guys on here that said “GO TRICKFLOW” with the money I thought I’d saved going SM I ended paying more for port work and rework and ended up still not using them. Seems like some guys get lucky with SM but that wasn’t me.