When Can It Be Waxed?

Not an a body, but I don’t know who else to ask.
I had the left fender, hood, and roof repainted (color and clear) on our ‘07 Accord back in November of 2020.
The guy said don’t wax it for six months because the clear isn’t cured. I waited a while, don’t know if it was six months.
Now, the roof is cracking. The hood and fender are okay.
I’ve never heard of waiting six months, but I haven’t been involved in paint work for 35 years.
Is this true?
He says he’ll fix it, but he’s accusing me of waxing it before the clear was cured.
When I was doing custom painting, I always told people to wait at least 3 months, depending on how much clear I put on their vehicle, sometimes as long as six months yes. An 07 Accord probably had two coats of clear for a total of 2 mils thick(factory clear is quite thin actually), so 6 months would have been plenty to wait. The reason for waiting, is that yes, it takes time for the paint to cure(even after baking) and for all the solvents to leave the multiple layers of paint. When you apply wax, you seal off the surface, and any escaping basecoat solvents have nowhere to go except back into the paint and "burn" it, Ive seen it happen, especially on black, the color will get chalky or milky in appearance. It doesnt always happen, but sometimes it does.
As for the cracking, waxing too early will NOT cause that, incorrect application will though. And without a picture, I dont know exactly what kind of cracking you have.
My advice, take it to a painter who knows what they are doing and get them to diagnose what may have happened so you have some ammo to go back to that "painter" with.
Hope this helps :)