What Pet(s) do you have?

View attachment 1715436105 Riley 11 years old. Daddy's buddy boy.

View attachment 1715436118And Belle 8 1/2 years old. Daddy's sweetie heart girl. The only two I have ever had.
I love every minute I spend with both of them. When we're out walking, I notice that I am usually smiling. It's 1/2 mile around the neighborhood and it takes us about 30 minutes to make it around but I am happy. Riley stops about every 3 feet to sniff and mark, and check p-mail messages and leave his reply. Belle helps keep lookout for anything we may need to know about.
A little over 4 years later...

Riley's has passed 15. His eyes are cloudy. He can only see shadows or light with his left eye, no response from his right eye. He can only hear loud or sharp noises. I lead him around everywhere he goes. He will run into things or walk off an edge like stairs.

Belle is approaching 13. We thought we would lose Riley someday and then have a few more years with Belle. Her weight was down from 16 lbs. to 15½ and she had a slight heart murmur last fall. Several weeks ago Friday morning, she seemed to pass out, her head arched way back and she let out a cry. Got her in to see the vet. Her heart murmur was now grade 4 out of 6. Her heart is enlarged and she has fluid in her lungs. Her weight is down to 13½ lbs. I started limiting her activity. After a second episode Friday afternoon, she started Lasix. She passed out again last Saturday. Now she is also on Vetmedin which helped reduce her breathing rate from mid 30s per minute to mid 20s. Much better.

Found this on youtube which is exactly like her passing out episodes.