"Early A" doesn't cut it

The fact a moderator at the beginning moved this thread to a general forum, has likely helped it go off the rails.
Not my loss.
You are correct. It was to your benefit.
If you had some experience and knowledge here you would know the fate of threads in the Suggestions subforum.
So your topic has been saved. You've engaged many members here, which in turn helps ad revenue and search engine results. Not that it matters much to most of us - at least in the short term.
My take,

Not that you were asking me. laugh2-gif.gif
Your highness, I only concede it was moved.
Would that be considered an ad hominem attack on someone with a lot of expertise in the subject?
The nomenclature used is inaccurate, my suggestion implied is fix it. :thumbsup:
Thanks for asking.
Seems you have missed the point. For the purposes of forum organization, based on long standing practice, the sub-forum title has worked fine.
There is no evidence that any of the users have voiced complaint.