SBM Port Molds

LOL. Ok prick.
LMAO, from one prick to another….
I am helping.
No, your being cryptic and insultive.
You and John won’t listen. So why bother?
Incorrect on my behalf, it’s not why I won’t listen, it’s why won’t you listen.
If you are going to live and die by flow bench numbers you will NEVER figure it out.

Go learn that.
Learned that long ago and you should have known that but then again, when your head swells up so much from being convinced, your ears close and your eyes become shut.

Pay attention!
So? Because you bracket race that is impressive?
Asserting an assumption as fact. You do this over and over which shift the goal posts, point of the issue, an obvious blurring of the lines and facts of what was said while twisting the conversation to suite your objective.

Don’t high school girls argue like this?

If you were actually serious about helping, you would have pontificated on the issue already, but yet, instead, you cryptically reply, and insult. Twisting words, and blurring the objective of the subject. You are so, not helping. Only a blind man or a complete idiot can’t see this.