"Early A" doesn't cut it

This is undoubtedly the most hilarious thing I've seen all week. And 100% on point. Well done sir!

»bows, doffs cap«

Threaten? Oh boy you're full of yourself. No one here is threatened by you.

I'm not qualified to diagnose, but this schlemiel's behaviour looks like that of someone on the autism spectrum. Autists' behaviour can be annoying and tiresome, but they're not deliberately trying to be that way; it's not in their control any more than my need for eyeglasses was a choice. What is under their control is whether and when they choose to interact with other people who have clearly indicated they don't want it—so that's the same choice faced by jerks, dillweeds, and all the rest of those who aren't autistic—and that's where J-C-C is föckin' it up badly here, so it really doesn't matter why.

Yeah, I think you're on the right track! '74 would not only need to have its own forum, it would need to have 2, because of the mid year shock bumper change
Plus, cars with/without the seatbelt-ignition interlock. And I shouldn't have to associate in the same forum with those whose cars don't have the chrome dressup trim on the brake pedal, so that's…uh…sorry, I've lost count; how many '74ums are we up to?