I started FB during Fluvid for whatever reason, canceled account about 6 mo. Ago. At first I enjoyed friends, jet and WWII aircraft groups, boat related groups, car groups etc. But in the end the alleged " connection" with " friends" and groups became monotonous, repetitive and ultimately a time parasite so I shut it down and haven't missed it so no social media for me. It's hilarious even some of the greatest thinkers of our time like say Jordan Peterson and possibly Sam Harris have lost their minds on social media. No matter how you slice it, social media is a one sided conversation from the safety of a sofa and those comments and interactions will be vastly different than a real life in- person conversation IMO. These platforms designed to improve human connectivity, a disappearing element many are starved for, actually impart the opposite I think. I certainly felt this. It's like the brain consciously tells us to open social media each morning to connect to people while subconsciously we're being drained of the very thing we seek.