Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey all you Mopar Miss fitts. So, today is Simone's Birthday. I told her I would bake her a German Chocolate cake. I get it all mixed up, from scratch, and go to heat up the oven, no oven. Dead. Had a power outage day before, toasted the wall oven. Sum *****!! Took it out, took it apart, needs a new control board, not available. Get out info, seems we bought it in 2003. well, we got our moneys worth out of it! So today were wall oven shopping. AND of course replacing the stove top as well!! Jenn Aire. 3200 for both in 2003. Who knows now the cost.

Well, Happy Birthday to Simone!

I hope the "standard" size wall oven fits in the space of the old one!