Trying to summon the motivation

I typically have waaaay more stuff to do, and no time to do it. That’s said tho, I’ve always been one to put the pedal to the metal and get things done. When the job is fighting back, I fight back harder. My wife always says….”I don’t know how you do the things you do”, it’s because it’s all important stuff, and if I don’t do it nobody will. Case in point…..

It took me 8 months to fix a property line issue and get my MIL’s house sold. I’m not a lawyer, but I had one. At $250/hr. we couldn’t afford to have him do the legwork and deliver papers here, there and everywhere, so I did. I talk to people, and I get things done, and most of what needed to be done was 100 years in the making, so I needed to talk to some old farmers, and sometimes their heirs, and get the whole mess straightened out. 9 months later and we just sold the house 2 weeks ago. I did it all for piece of mind and a stress relief for my wife, who had just lost her Mom. I dont get a penny and I don’t want none, I just want to get back to normal, or the new normal, whatever that may be! That’s what keeps me motivated!