318 value

Volare don you are missing the point I'm trying to make.

Old Dan the man is asking about buying a 318 engine. Saying it's compelling because of some 340 intake. I'm saying, NO, not at all, in no shape or form whatsoever, NO. This is NOT a reason to buy a 318.

Am I insulting the 318? HELL NO! 318 are good engines. Great potential. ALMOST as much as an equivalent LARGER engine.

And if you're CURRENTLY SHOPPING for a small block engine, I say, at least start off ahead and consider a larger variant.

So, volare don, you keep on getting butt hurt by everyone who doesn't see things exactly as you do. But I will keep providing information to whomever is reading this BS.

Here, I'll make it very basic: For any two engines, built otherwise IDENTICALLY, the one with the larger displacement will make more power. Period. Every. Single. Time.

Some people will read this and say gosh that guy is just hating on the 318. The 318 don't get no respect. Blah blah blah. YOU'RE MISSING THE POINT.