A833 info

Hey guys, just picked up an A body A833 to put in my 71 340 duster. I’ve always had an auto in my car be it a 904 or currently a 727 and I’m super new to the A833s. I’ve learned how to identify overdrive units and wether its a later or earlier model. So here’s what I know so far. It’s a later model trans and based off the 10,000 day calendar I got-
Day 4371 is Monday, July 16, 1973. It’s NOT and overdrive trans and it is an a body based on the tail shaft and the bellhousing. But that’s where my knowledge ends. I was hoping someone might be able to tell me a bit more about it based on the casting numbers/stamps as I’m finding some mixed info on here. Thanks and from what I have read so far, on the machined surface there’s supposed to be a couple more stamped numbers to the right of what’s in the picture but nothing is there on this case.





