Are my upper control arms unusable now? 1973 Dart.


Nothing wrong with my car bud, no need to work on it right now.

Sorry if my answer wasn't at your level of comprehension. I'll make it simple- bent UCA bad. Use the right tools and stupid things don't happen. A press for a UCA bushing is totally unnecessary, you can make a better tool and do it right for less than $20 and pretty much have zero risk of damaging your 50 year old rusty UCA. But of course, you have to understand what you're trying to accomplish to make that work.

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You simply can't stop pretending to be a bully. Were you bullied growing up? I'm very sorry if you were.
I'm way ahead of you. I already made one of these up from stuff I already had laying around. It worked great removing the rubber bushing and sleeve but left the bushing shell in the arm. Now I need to make a tool to do just that. I've been making my own puller/installer tools for years. I'll figure this one out, unless you have some advice to help me out(hopefully, without the ridicule). Is that what the smaller washers do?