Roller cam newbie Once you start going down the rabbit hole!

Lucky for me that camshaft wasn't able to ship till early March. So I cancelled the order. But I'm curious, how would you go about determining the correct installed height, for a given camshaft? The lift of that cam, had me a little nervous. Now I'm considering something lot less tame.

Howards Cams


Duration at .050 is, 221 int. and 225 exh.
Lift is .474 into. .500 exh.
The Hughes springs 1110P I listed was recommended by Hughes website for a few of their roller cams?

This cam in particular (from Hughes) which has similar profile to the Howards Cams recommends the 1110P Springs?

Thanks for the help though. I'm going to call summit tomorrow and see what springs they'd recommend for the Howards Cams