67 Dart Conv. - No Tail Lights, Park Lights, Flashers

I'm more convinced than last night that the issuecould be the fuse or in a fusebox connection.
With anything turned on in the circuits coming off the fuse, voltage drops to zero.

Here's a way to check for resistance in the fuse.

Clip or hold a voltmeter probe onto the fuseholders. Red probe on the supply side and black probe on the downstream side.

Then turn something on that is connected to that fuse. It could be the courtesy lights, the brake lights, or parking lights. it doesn't matter.
If current tries to flow through and there is high resistance, it will show on the meter as a voltage drop.
In this case we may see the meter go from zero to 11 or 12 Volts.

if its not in the fuse itself, then check the backside - maybe its in one of the connectors.

We know the high resistance is not in the wiring leading to the L1 wire because the headlights work and you've used that to jumper the branches of circuits.