Would you paint aluminum radiator?

How many coats you give it ?
No overheating issues ?
This is a very old post, But I can answer this question. I have a Griffin Perfect Fit radiator in my 69 Barracuda. It has a very stock look to it. I painted it black with Eastwood's Radiator Paint, and it looks good. I ran it for a while unpainted but did not like the look. I noticed no difference in the radiator's ability to cool the engine after painting it. Like I said, I did use Eastwood's Radiator paint. I sprayed one light coat on the whole radiator, fins and tank. Then a medium wet coat on everything. Then another medium wet coat just on the tanks. Don't spray heavy wet coats. The first coat should always be a light one. You are not looking for total coverage on the first coat. You are just giving the following coats something to stick to. It's just like painting a car. Don't go for full coverage on the first coat. I used a little over on can of paint. I don't think you could do a good job with one can.