AC system update

If you find a way to successfully route the hose to the vent to the left of the driver let us know. Several of us have been trying to figure this out for a couple years. Above the column there are issues with the moving parts of the wiper system.

Did you buy the system that provides a crank pulley? If so I will be interested in seeing how the belts work. I got the set up that uses a factory AC crank pulley and that was a mess (see link above). I just got all the issues on mine sorted out a few months ago so post here if you have problems. Is the set up in the picture what you received? It seems like an older version. They have done away with cable controls and gone to all electronic stuff (which worked very well).

I had the Classic Auto Air i my 70 and I ran the hose over the steering column mount (it has a little recess, behind the cluster) and then down to the left of the driver.