Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning gents and one gentette. Travel day for me as I have to go to Oklahoma and shoot tomorrow. Much like Craig I have finally decided to sell my Cuda. Unlike Craig’s beautiful restored classic with hard to find steering wheel. My steering wheel pops off whenever you want and toss it on the dash, complete with indexing blue tape! Toggle switch dash and roll bar. I will get an ad ginned up and put it on here first, then take it to some car shows with a window sale sign. Not really trying that hard to sell but I think it is time. I have had that car for many years and built every nut and bolt. It is not flashy or particularly well done but you can race it or drive it to the show, she is durable and reliable in a very high HP kind of way!

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Build it to drive. Build it to have fun with. More people need to do that.