My "new" '74 Duster- or why I need a project like a hole in the head

Makes sense. Some of it depends on what you are doing, a drag and drive event would be different that Power Tour or just traveling.

I’ve joked with my wife about it and her first comment even on the trailer idea is “what about a shower?”. There are truck stops, but I have to admit it is nice to go from the shower right to bed after a long sweaty day.

Oh it would totally depend on the event.

For something like the Power Tour it definitely wouldn’t eliminate all of my hotel stays. But swapping out a few hotel nights here and there for a campground and a portable shower would make a big difference in costs for 2+ weeks on the road.

Compared to being spiked out on the fire line for days/weeks on end a couple nights in campgrounds isn’t a big deal, especially if I can haul a few things in the trailer. Still I’m not 22 anymore so I would intersperse some hotel nights in there for longer trips. Just adds flexibility into planning stuff, and for long trips I’d need to haul enough stuff I’d need the space anyway. Beats putting the car on a trailer and hauling that!