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A health story to share...magnesium supplements. A few months ago, with a new diabetic control med I take I developed a case of constipation. My medical person told me to start taking a 250mg tablet once a day. If after a few days no help take two. Well after a week or so I found relief taking three. About the same time is when my left shoulder and arm started ached. Then a few days later my right shoulder and arm ached. I wrote it off as too much golf. At the same time though I had very light stomach cramps which I wrote off as too much golf and ab exercise. Finally last week one evening after dinner my stomach cramps got so bad Cheryl was ready to take me to the ER. She researched magnesium supplements and along with my daily multi vitamin magnesium I was taking a combined 900mg a day clearly way too much. Also, all my symptoms were all listed as side effects. I dropped it and within a day all my symptoms were gone. So be careful with supplements we all want to live a better life no reason to hurt yourself in doing it. Rant over I feel better sharing my experiences.
I’m glad you figured that out. Supplements are great but like everything else. There can be too much of a good thing.