Your first mopar...?

First Car.....1971 Charger. Bought it at 15 for $150 to have a car when I got my licence. Put it in my dad's name to get it on the road and use it with my beginner's permit. Pic shows the maiden voyage.......Broke a torsion bar :BangHead: Should have known this was an Omen for future things to come...........My mother got T-Boned by a '72 satellite totalling the car. Thankfully no one was hurt.


Bought this 1972 scrapper next......Too rotten to fix then. LOL, would have been a keeper today at $4500:rofl:


Then came my avatar car........Mishmash of 1971 and 1972 Demons. Dad bought them for me for $100 because he felt bad about the Charger......16 years old now. Dad would tow me with a chain to some logging roads and let me drive it around before it was on the road.


Avatar finished.......After flipping parts and trading stuff......$200 into the car all in!

All this in a year...Pretty good accomplishment for a kid of 16. $200 all in..........Hell, I paid more than that for a radio delete plate for my current project (but it has the right part# WTF). Sadly, mother nature claimed this one. Used it as a daily driver for 10 years.....Salty winters and all! Got hauled off for scrap by my sisters hubby......My Nephew saved the wheels before it went.

Current project.......Should be ready for assembly in the spring.