Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

Yes, 128 was for SBC engines. What DV said that it worked well for other parallel valve heads & was better than guessing....

Much to much is being made of this by people trying to second guess what DV said or meant, rather than looking at the history of where 128 came from.
128 was the result of the cam selection software developed by DV [ & I believe Stan Weiss was involved ] & that he sells.
128 was designed to stop folks ringing a cam company & having the phone jockey look at the computer screen..& recommend a cam with a wide LSA.......that they have in stock....
You might call 128 an educated guess rather a wild guess.....
Sig Erson was another pioneer, ahead of the curve; he & DV worked together at some point & SE was a proponent of tight LSA...way back in the 1970s....

From Erson....
