Who was guessing? For three pages we’ve been saying exactly what you just said. Except I don’t agree that a gt45 will be fine on 318 inches. Like I said early on, I’ve used em on 5.3s LSs and they’re laggy on those, and they make 100 more hp na. The turbonetics 60/62 I linked on page 1 would be a much better fit.
Who’s guessing? You. Me. Everyone? I’m sorry if that post came off condescending; it was not intended, and I value the opinions on here. Most definitely yours included.
We certainly disagree on the gt45, but personal opinion on lag is not exactly quantifiable. There’s also the contributing factors like crossover and downpipe size that play a big role in spool time. If he’s shopping for one turbo with more cubes at the end goal I would, personally, guess* that a 60/62 would be too small. The gt45 would technically be listed as a 69/77, and that big turbine really helps get things moving down low even if peak boost comes on slower. This type of boost response meets my preference vs my 78/75 that is more like a light switch.
I have not ran a turbo 318 so I’m just an internet jockey, but here’s where my info comes from:
Landy Duster runs a 318 gt45 combo with what I’d say are pretty good results. 3700 rpm stall converter now, but I don’t know what stall he started out with. Video at the track seems to show no issue spooling. 73 Duster 318 Magnum, GT45, E-85
Also attaching a stock 4.8 with gt45 dyno where they’re already seeing 450 ft/lbs worth of boost at 3100rpm. This does not look laggy to me at all, but again, personal opinion.