Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

I'm not looking to discredit him, I'd be happy if his system works, I just haven't seem any glaring proof and the evidence against isn't concrete cause none of the dyno test are really setup to put his theory to the test, but what test that are on different lsa show little evidence being off a few degrees results in 30,40,50 etc.. lbs-ft loss.

Say Eg. If 108 is calculated as optimal then every degree in either direction should show huge loses, plus going wider than 108 is generally given that there will be loses so not much proof if 110/112 has less torque, but if going tighter than recommended like 104/106 don't lose torque but still gains is 108 optimal then?

So if 112 has least torque and 104 has most and the recommended 108 is in the middle is that really calculating optimal especially if the torque is less than 20 lbs-ft between each (104 vs 108 & 108 vs 112) and being 4 degrees off should be considered way off.

That video the guy's point was to prove DV and I'm saying none of the dyno test he showed gave any real proof, to me it put doubt on it.

I have a functioning brain and able to process information.

That's how I see lot of the **** you say :)

No problem I admit I don't have tons performance experience that's Rumbles hole card on me,
This comment vs….
And I'm 50 now so yes most my knowledge is from reading.
This comment is extremely hypocritical.
But what you said, absolutely shows. And it’s amazing how you still get it wrong. And then, you make funny comments against me? You’ve got to be kidding me!?