Sounds like another track may be closing

Yeah, the same crap has been going on with New England Dragway in New Hampshire over the winter. From what I can gather a couple of employees either quit or were fired ( including the head tech inspector and a long term top end guy) and the bad mouthing against track management was going on hot and heavy for a while. Seems to have quieted down as I haven't seen much of it over the past couple of months. While no track is perfect the tracks I have gone to since I decided to get back into racing ( ranging from our two independent 1/8th mile tracks here in Maine to NED, Lebanon Valley, and Maple Grove) have been great. Great racers and staff. There's always the buffoons who think they know how to do something better while having zero experience on how to do even a small part of it. All it does is create division and bad feelings
Yeah, the same crap has been going on with New England Dragway in New Hampshire over the winter. From what I can gather a couple of employees either quit or were fired ( including the head tech inspector and a long term top end guy) and the bad mouthing against track management was going on hot and heavy for a while. Seems to have quieted down as I haven't seen much of it over the past couple of months. While no track is perfect the tracks I have gone to since I decided to get back into racing ( ranging from our two independent 1/8th mile tracks here in Maine to NED, Lebanon Valley, and Maple Grove) have been great. Great racers and staff. There's always the buffoons who think they know how to do something better while having zero experience on how to do even a small part of it. All it does is create division and bad feelings.
My local track Island Dragway has been operated by a member of the founding family since it opened in 1960 , however the third generation has a different managing style resulting in the exit of some long time racers and good employees . I myself cut back on my racing there last year even gave up my reserved parking space after 25 years mainly due to changing my racing program to pro tree racing which they didn't offer much of . I still support the track going to specialty races etc. They are however offering more pro tree races this year so I will attend more . They just hired a track manager this week to take some off the burden from the owner , I don't know him or anything about him , I do know he isn't a " regular " racer or I would have. Hopefully he will make a difference we will see ! I have raced there for over 35 years plus its only a little over a half hour ( 32 miles ) from my house . We have to support our local tracks : we lost two here in N.J. in the last seven years : Atco and Englishtown .. I raced at both of them
