Stop in for a cup of coffee

My Dad got sick on his Bday so lunch got cancelled. On plus side all the minions came to our place. Had lunch, ran four wheeler all over the mountain, ate pizza, shot pool, and drank adult beverages. Daughter and her three spent the night. Glorious day was had by all. GS who’s radio call sign is Bullfrog 1 wore us out with the radios! He was hilarious. Him and the pup jumped a deer on high side and gave us play by play for the ensuing chase. Then I had to warn him about the Bobcats and his Mom was not amused. No sense of humor at all!
Sounds like a great day for everyone except dad, hope he gets back on his feet and feels better soon.
Thinking about dropping therapy, after therapy I am whipped out , I wake at 4am, coffee, banana, take meds and shower, dress and wait on 8 thirty, get home by ten, take a two hour nap and can't move well, fight threw it, wears me out. Don't feel like myself until Tuesday evening, Wensday much better, back to therapy Thursday, and the cycle returns, can't get anything done around here.. still have heat pad on my mid section, to hip.. I think the doctor is missing something..

I shouldn't be hurting on Sunday morning like this..
Coffee is good this morning. Weather is going to be great again today.. Good morning