Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

Even in DV's own dyno proof doesn't show the 40-50 lbs-ft gain 1.4 lbs-ft per cid torque level etc..

Does it show what we already knew? That going tighter gains mid range torque, from the dyno graphs I've seen so far about an average of 3 lbs-ft per degree, starts off a little higher and gets less as it gets tighter.

In this one seems about 6 lbs-ft per degree from 111-108 a little higher then other few similar test have shown and the gains seemed to shrunk 1 lbs -ft per degree after 108, and this one unlike the others had a decently different peak hp.

Is 108 optimal in this one, 105 barely gain I guess most would say ain't worth it but 18-20 lbs-ft between 111 & 108 people looking for driveability would probably stayed with 111 but anyone wanting good overall power would take the 108.

This is one he choose out of 1000's of runs to verify his position, if this is the trend looks like it gets you into the ballpark.