Route 66 map/book recomendations

lol.. thats one thing about being is sickward is i should be able to get out of the track at noonish and go explore. i did sickweek with a friend. his chevelle is a 12 second car so he was in "D" class. man, all but one day we were last to run. had to sit around the track all day and the travel from track to track was all done with very little daylite so no real scernery during the drive. it looks to be about a 4000 mile trip for me.. looks to be about 1100 miles (17.5 hours) to ozark raceway for us. i'm off all that week so i can take my time getting there. could easily do it in 2 days buyt may just nake it a 3 day trip. new mexico is 1900 miles (30 hours), don't have to back to work until oct 23rd so we should be able to take our time on that leg.
Yep, definitely a bit concerned about spending all day at the track and having to drive at night. It sold out too and from what I've heard there were 350 spots for racers, so each track is probably going to be pretty busy. My hope is that I can avoid having to run last every day since there are no classes for this one and the spirit of the event is supposed to be more about the "adventure" as opposed to being focused on the racing like some of the larger events. It sounds like Tom is envisioning this to be similar to Death Week, which was much more chill from what I've heard. The one major difference is that there were only like ~100 cars at Death Week where as here there will be ~350 or more. I guess we'll see how that goes.

I'm still kind of salty about missing Death Week, especially considering it started and ended at Firebird, which is 15 minutes from my house. Ended up being bad timing with work though and the car just wasn't ready for a trip like that unfortunately. Such is life.