NGK plugs.

4 is quite a hot plug in the NGK range, I would try them if the price is good. Factory rated they they were a 5 or 6 heat range.
I use 4s in my 455 Pontiac, & have them in a friend's 455 that will get drag raced; sizable cam in that engine & it noticeably improved the idle quality.
In my opinion, many engines have plugs that are too cold..... They they then foul up at idle.

its what was in my 360. that number seems to cross reference with a autilite 65 which i had run in many small blocks. at 11 bucks and free shipping i bought them.

as far as them being fake, i don't know. when the lady called to ask a question about the order the place sounded legit. guess i'll find out.. :)