Signs you're getting old for Classic Car Owners

I'm 69 and all you guys in your late 50's and early 60's are making me feel old. My body is in good shape and think I look great when i look in the mirror...but then I see myself in those stupid security cameras in the Home Depot and it's, who is that guy?
Well if you can for example spend 4 or 5 hours in the garage block sanding and your body doesn't ache too bad you're lucky, for me I don't feel it till hours later. I realize i may be out of shape too though. I mean I can still do it it hurts more than 30 years ago LOL I also don't do much during the week 25 years ago I'd spend 2 to 4 nights a week after work in the garage till 10 o'clock at night...that slows me down a bit.