Duster clutch safety switch issue

The switch just works off of a wire lever. And the switch housing itself should rotate a little where it’s mounted, so one way or another you should be able to tweak it so it activates the switch at the right pedal height. This is the lever highlighted here (not my picture, just grabbed it from eBay)


And the switch

As for the safety of it, it just replaces the need to remember to check for neutral before you start the car. Which is something you should do anyway. So I don’t see it as some massively important safety feature. I’m in the habit of rattling the shifter to check for neutral first, so the CSS is wholly redundant (I also have older cars without one).

And as an anti-theft feature I don’t see that at all. Most manual cars more modern than these have them, so anyone that can drive a stick to begin with isn’t going to be fooled by a clutch safety switch. And if they can’t drive a manual already then the stick shift would be a bigger obstacle.