Jeep 4.0 in 69 Barracuda

Hello everyone, guess who's back..... And I have great news.

It took some time to get myself motivated to move forward on this, with help from family and friends pushing me, Last weekend I installed the QA1 k-frame and steering rack from the kit for test fitment. I am super excited to say everything is going to fit. My current CJ mid sump oil pan will work and avoid the steering rack. I will be installing the factory 4.0L rear sump oil pan in the end.

The Starter FITS. I am super stoked about this.

Now I need to remove those parts and perform some clean up work on the chassis. As well as it looks like I may need/want some large flat washers to add to the oem K-Frame bolts as they dont want to seat down all the way. Plus some clean up needs to be done.

I also need to build the new engine mounts to go between the K-Frame and Engine. More to come on that.

In short, the project is moving again. Here are 2 pictures.

Hopefully next update will be the end of April. I need buy some items like myself another engine load leveler as mine has disappeared. As well as engine mount material.

I am thinking of the factory QA1 small block mounts with the C channel cut off and replaced with a Hiem Joint. Then weld tabs on my engine mount plates on the engine.

