Another bad weekend

Wow, at least you can lie down, flat on your back, or side, when sleeping.
BUT, how's getting back up to walk around, from that position?
Much of a problem? None at all?

After i had heart surgery they didn't want me to lie down flat on my back, and naturally not on my stomach.
Before i went in for surgery i bought myself a power recliner.
I knew what post surgery recovery was going to be like before i went in.
So i slept in the recliner, with the back in a lower position, other than upright.

Then still, i had to compress down on my chest, a heart shaped pillow, when getting up, to keep internal stitches in place, where they need to be, in recovery.

But i didn't get 7 inches of stitches on my chest where they opened me up.
They human super glue you back together.
NO scar.
Can't even tell that i was opened up.

Take care, for the recovery to go well.
Jim V.
Jim, it’s still hard to lay flat on my back. Maybe 10-15 minutes the I have to switch for my left side. No laying on the right side at all. I had a pillow to press against my belly but now just my hand. But I think I’ll get a small pillow. Still a pain getting up off of my back or side. Thanks for all the good tips. I’m sure I’ll use most of them. Kim