It could be worse or let’s say it could be worse for the head porter. TrickFlow addressed this issue by slotting each hole vertically 1/4 inch. I immediately thought ohhhh man that’s a great idea until I looked and saw they slotted every dog gone hole. When a head porter get an intake the only way we can go about gasket matching it is to use a trusted gasket and match up the holes. Well when Boosted sent me his intake from Washington state to Pa to flow test and the flow numbers weren’t where we wanted then it turned into a porting job. Great until I tried to line up an intake gasket. Do I line the gasket with the top of the hole, the middle, or the bottom??? I didn’t want to risk removing metal in the wrong direction so I ended up not porting it. Now I’ll never know because I won’t take on that job and I sure as hell wouldn’t buy one. If they would have just slotted the four inner holes it would have been a great engineering decision.