M1 Tunnel Ram Top Plenum Volume Reduction with Photos

Tom, FWIW, would you do a little detailing of the work you’re currently doing? A short how to in the outside of the manifold?

There's really not much to it. You just need an assortment of files (two rounds, a flat, and a triangle), some 50 & 80 grit sandpaper, and a glove to wear when sanding, so you don't

wear your thumb out (It hurts). The blue handle file is a really coarse and cuts with ease. I find that I've used the edge of it for tight work a lot. You just file in whatever

direction/ angle that works.

Several of my friend have asked why I haven't used power or pneumatic tools and I told them I wanted more control. It's just to easy to make mistakes with fast cutting tools.

If you take one file stroke at a time you can control the removal process and direction much easier.

It's not hard, it just requires time, effort, and attention to detail.

