Post your self portraits!

maybe it's different for everyone but I feel like there was a time vacuum during the covid years. 20, 21, 22 seemed like they flew by in a weird blur.

I feel like I returned to normal in 23, but missing a few years.
My wife and I both are senior citizens with pre-existing conditions (among other things, she has Lupus). So we hunkered down for over a year until vaccines were available, going out as little as possible. Until then, we wore masks whenever we did go out. I hated wearing them, but I hated dying of Covid worse. Of course, most who got Covid survived, but my wife lost her sister and brother to it, and her sister-in-law lost her brother and father. Now we feel safe enough that we've quit wearing masks and we come and go as we please.

Meanwhile, car shows mostly stopped, and car club meetings were postponed. Had no reason to drive them, so my old Mopars (and two Studebakers) just sat for a couple of years. Then came the fun of getting them all running again. Amazing what happens to cars that just sit. New spark plugs, new fuel pumps (3), my 49 Dodge's HEI electronic ignition crapped out, new water pump, carburetors leaking, etc., etc. I'm still not fully back up to speed, but I'm getting there.

Me, third from left at a Studebaker club meeting (my wife isn't in this picture).
