Stop in for a cup of coffee

I pushed myself a little last week but that's how I like it. I did five workouts counting PT in four days and seven days of golf either playing or hitting balls. Yesterday, in cardio class we did a tornado drill. It was five five minute sessions on a cardio machine at 75% of your heart rate. You had a choice of four cardio machines step climber, treadmill (at a minimum 3% incline), EFX, or rower. You had 30 seconds after a session to get to the next machine, and you couldn't use the same machine two times in a row...what a butt kicker. After that it was 30 minutes of abs, chest and this class!! I was shot for a few hours but did manage to go and hit balls for a couple hours. I feel pretty good today, but decided I need to take a couple days off besides the weather is crappy.