
^^^ Despite what the CNN news says, our economy is NOT booming and for the little guy, inflation has taken a chunk out of the butt.
CL, FM Marketplace, 99% of what old projet cars especially, on there are way overpriced. Projects that sell quickly are models in demand that run and are priced cheap enough. Rollers are real slow because 80% of them are missing half their parts and not even good parts cars! at 3 times their worth.

I price my old cars at very close to what I will take, fair to me and the buyer. I don't price them way up hoping some fool will pay that.
But, hardest thing to sell is a low priced car even if a bargain for what it is. It is harder for a poor man to find an extra $than it is for the wealthy man to find an extra $60,000/

Another thing. People an get a price in their heads they will have to pay forth ol car they want. I have priced cars too cheap, and sold them after I raised the price. This way way before the internet.

Now days, people search the net and find a car 2 before me, previous owner priced at $1950 and since has had $3000 in parts spent plus ????? worth of labor!!!!!! :BangHead: