Weber DGV float setting

Got one and of course you take it apart before you install it right? Redline (only importer of Weber carbs in USA) says set the float to: 18mm from top of float off the gasket with the needles spring ball barely touching. Then Pegasus racing say "...Weber recommends setting the height of a plastic float at 35mm from the bottom of the float to the bottom of the carb top plate, with the plate held vertically and the float hanging downwards, making light contact with the needle valve..." with a 51mm drop...then they say its 2mm of needle travel from drop to top, <then there is an old 40mm to bottom of BRASS float that is no longer relevant to the plastic floats with only a 10mm drop>. Trouble is: the float is 27mm tall SO a "35mm from bottom to top" of lid would only give you 35-27=8mm of clearance from the top of the float to the top of the lid..Wait, didnt they say it was 18mm? There is no way a factory float with a kicked up float and a dropped needle tab lines up to a level 35mm as shown in this drawing, its more like 43mm and its cocked up toward the far edge of the float. Half tell you to measure without a gasket installed the other half say "on models where you need to remove the float to access gasket, measure with gasket installed" Uh, this one doesnt require that so I guess you measure with no gasket? To top all this off, you need to measure the float with the ball NOT compressed, ie with the float inverted like a regular carb, so you have to either factor in the ball compression, .025 inches, or do this holding the carb vertically with the floats just hanging on the ball. What a joke. I cant seem to find a straight answer so I'm asking some users out here. Float level in these carbs is noted as "thee most important setting as it effects the carb globally"
